BeePost 2022 FI Christmas. Finland [3 M/S 4 x 2v + 2 x 6 x 1v]


BeePost 2022 FI Christmas. Finland 2022 Europa Myths & Legends Christmas Beepost (Catherine Jagiellon 1526–1583, John III of Sweden 1537–1592, Turku Castle) Background info: Catholic Christmas in Finland. The newlyweds Duke and Duchess of Finland John III and Catherine Jagiellon celebrated their first Christmas in the oldest castle in the country Suomi – Åbo (Turku) in 1562. Catherine Jagiellon, the daughter of the King of Poland, as the hostess of the celebration, for the first time in Finland showed the traditions of Christmas and New Year celebrations according to Catholic canons: from solemn worship and treats, to decorating a fir tree and presenting gifts; Christmas Peace Declaration) Background info: Declaration of Christmas Peace. The tradition of declaring BeePost 2022 FI Christmas peace in Finland is the oldest in Europe. More than 700 years ago, the declaration of “Christmas peace” was first read out on the Town Hall Square of the ancient capital of the country – Åbo (Turku). During the celebration of Christmas, hostilities, disputes cease, and crimes committed on Christmas days are punished more severely; Santa Claus Village, Rovaniemi, Finland; Northern lights (Aurora borealis) in Lapland, Turku Cathedral, Santa Claus [3 M/S 4 x 2v + 2 x 6 x 1v] BeePost collectables cannot be directly used to pay the postal or other services provided by Suomen Posti.

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BeePost 2022 FI Christmas. Finland 2022 Europa Myths & Legends Christmas Beepost (Catherine Jagiellon 1526–1583, John III of Sweden 1537–1592, Turku Castle) Background info: Catholic Christmas in Finland. The newlyweds Duke and Duchess of Finland John III